Graduating Students

Augustine and the Origins of the Self poster
13th century illumination of three religious figures
Herman of Reichenau and a page from Lebor Gabála Érenn
Mary and other young women in the Temple (1325-1350), Johannes de Caulibus, Meditatione de la uita del nostro Signore Ihesu Christo, Paris, BnF, Ital 115, f.7v.
Dante and Virgil make their way through a beautiful landscape (c. 14th century)
illustration of Joan of Arc with text reading: Trans Middle Ages Poster Fair
Scott Bruce
Gur Zak and his book, Boccaccio and the Consolation of Literature
poster for Queering Medieval Latin Rhetoric featuring a small photo of the book jacket, head shot, and circular medieval image of figures embracing, all on a green background
Medieval Women Workshop poster with red title, blue subtitle: Works About, By and for Women with a medieval manuscript photo open to a page featuring a gathering of women
