Level II Latin

This course is offered as part of the Summer Latin Program at the Centre for Medieval Studies. For other Summer Courses, see Beginning Latin and Level I Latin.

Level II Latin

Starting Wednesday, July 2 – August 8
90-minute sessions
Continuing Monday through Friday
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
*In-person at Lillian Massey

Note: the University will be closed on Monday, June 30 and Tuesday July 1

The TA will be available for regular consultation. This course is intended for students who have already passed the Level I Latin Examination and have a thorough knowledge of Latin grammar and a basic working vocabulary. It prepares students for the Level II Latin Examination; a pass at that level indicates that a student is fluent in Latin, has a thorough command of grammar (both accidence and syntax), can handle complex sentences, has a wide vocabulary, and is able to use Latin for research purposes efficiently and accurately. Coursework includes regular sight passages and prepared reading of difficult Medieval Latin. As with the Level I Latin course, we endeavour to select texts which are representative of different periods and a wide range of subject matter (e.g., works of Augustine, Notker Balbulus, Bernard of Clairvaux, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Boethius, and others of similar difficulty). This course serves to refresh students’ knowledge of grammar and/or gain additional experience of readings texts in preparation for Medieval Latin Exams.

Enrolment Restriction

A Level I Latin Examination Pass or equivalent is required to register. Please contact gradadm.medieval@utoronto.ca with any questions.

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Further Information