Online Summer Latin Courses (deadline for enrolment: May 1st)

March 28, 2020 by Communications

The CMS Summer Latin Programme has existed for decades. For the first time, given the exceptional circumstances, all the courses will be given online. If you are interested, please enrol as soon as possible as there is a numerus clausus.

The summer courses are non-credit and are taught by senior graduate students of the Centre who are thoroughly fluent in Latin and are already experienced teachers in our program. They work under the supervision of the faculty members teaching Medieval Latin and are trained specifically for these courses; we take great care in making appointments to these positions.

Students admitted to the CMS MA or PhD programs for the next academic year can attend any of these summer courses, at the appropriate level, for free.

Students who attend the courses regularly and do all the assignments will be given an official letter from CMS indicating the course content and their participation in it.

The program is under the direction of the Committee for Medieval Latin Studies in the Centre for Medieval Studies. The Centre for Medieval Studies assumes no responsibility for cancellation of classes due to circumstances beyond its control.


Beginning Latin

19 May to 10 July 2020
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

Schedule yet to be finalized
Textbook: Moreland and Fleischer, Latin: An Intensive Course. 

The book is available for purchase online, with delivery, from the UofT Bookstore (link to

An introductory intensive course for those with little or no previous exposure to Latin. You can’t expect to assimilate Latin grammar thoroughly or build an extensive vocabulary in just eight weeks, but those who successfully complete the course are adequately prepared to attend our Level One Latin class – that is, they should be able to score at least 30% on our Level One Latin examination in September.


14 July to 30 July 2020
Tuesday and Thursday
Following Beginning Latin, a three-week supplemental reading course will offer students an opportunity to consolidate their grasp of the language. Assignments will include selections from the Vulgate, the Gesta Romanorum, and other medieval texts of a similar level of difficulty. The supplemental course is open to those registered for Basic Latin with no additional tuition fee.


Latin Levels One and Two

For the following two courses, Level One Latin and Level Two Latin, please see the enrolment restrictions. Given the COVID-19 Pandemic, if you have not already registered for the CMS Latin exam(s), you will not be able to take the exam(s), and, thus, to take these courses this year. We are really sorry for this.


Level One Latin

25 May to 03 July 2020
Monday through Friday

Schedule yet to be finalized

The class presupposes a basic knowledge of the elements of Latin (declensions and conjugations, some vocabulary, and prior exposure to complex syntax) as laid out in an introductory course (such as our Beginning Latin course). See also below “Review Session”.

The instructor will be available regularly for consultation. This course prepares students to sit our Level One exam in September. Readings encompass Latin texts of various periods, countries of origin, and disciplinary interest, with emphasis on close grammatical commentary and analysis. (Typical texts might include the works of Geoffrey of Monmouth, the Gesta Romanorum, the Vulgate Bible, Apollonius of Tyre, and others of similar difficulty.)


To register, a minimum mark of 30% on the April Level One Latin Exam is required. A mark below that might indicate you’d be better off in the Beginning Latin course. A mark below 50% suggests you should arrive early for the intensive grammar review as described above.


12 May to 22 May 2020
Tuesday through Friday
Schedule yet to be finalized.

Prior to the Level One Latin course we will offer a two-week intensive grammar review open at no extra charge to those who register for the Level One Latin course. We strongly recommend you take this review if you’re concerned that your grasp of grammar is shaky.



Level Two Latin

06 July to 14 August 2020

Monday through Friday
This course might still be given with in-person classes (depending how the pandemic evolves): 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Room: LI 310)

The instructor will be available regularly for consultation. For students who have already passed our Level One Latin examination and already have a thorough knowledge of Latin grammar and a basic working vocabulary. This course prepares you to take our Level Two Latin examination; a pass at that level indicates that a student is fluent in Latin, is completely sound on grammar (both accidence and syntax), can handle complex sentences, has a wide vocabulary, and can be trusted to use Latin for research purposes efficiently and without error. Class work includes regular sight passages and prepared reading of difficult Medieval Latin. As with the Level One Latin course, we try to make choices representative of different periods and a wide range of subject matter. (Typical texts might include works by Augustine, Notker Balbulus, Bernard of Clairvaux, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Boethius and others of similar difficulty).


A Level One Latin Exam Pass is required to register. (Note: if you take and pass our Level Two Latin examination in April, you’re unlikely to benefit from these courses.)


Fees & Financial Support

The fees below are applicable to ALL students (including currently registered U of T graduate and undergraduate students) for Beginning Latin. The Level One Latin and Level Two Latin courses are free for graduate students currently registered full-time in the School of Graduate Studies, U of T. The fees below apply to all others.

Each course: $1,200 (CAD) for Canadian residents, or its equivalent in US dollars for non-Canadian residents, to be paid by 1 May.

For forms of payment, please contact CMS graduate administrator.



In case of withdrawal, return of the original receipt is required to process refund. Until the start of classes, a full refund is available, minus $50 for administrative services. In the first week of classes, 50 per cent of fees will be refunded. After the first week of classes has ended, no refund is possible.


Applying for Summer Latin

Enrolment in each course is limited. To register for any of the summer courses a letter and requisite registration fee must be submitted by 1 May.

Please note: although students (including CMS) currently registered in the University of Toronto do not pay additional fees for the Level One, Level Two, and Grammar Review courses, they MUST register their intention to take the courses by the 1 May deadline in order to reserve a space by sending an email to

