Congratulations to Elisa Brilli for a recent co-edited publication with Johannes Bartuschat and Delphine Carron

July 7, 2020 by Communications


Florence, the celebrated city-republic, dominates the historiography of medieval Italy still today. The birth and growth of the Mendicant Orders paralleled the rise of urban Europe. As attention to medieval cities has increased, so too the history of the Dominican Order has constituted a major field of study, since the Dominicans were at the forefront of the cultural and religious life of Medieval cities. The combination of these two traditions of studies precipitates a particularly fruitful research field: the reciprocal influences and interactions between the activities of Dominican intellectuals and the making of Florentine cultural identity. The essays collected in this volume explore various facets of such an interaction. Without presuming to be exhaustive, these contributions restore the complexity of the relationship between the Dominicans and the city of Florence, as well as the communal society in the broadest sense of the term.


Emilio Panella OP, Ouverture: Santa Maria Novella e Firenze: convento e città

Johannes Bartuschat, Elisa Brilli, Delphine Carron, Introduction

Delphine Carron, Iñigo Atucha, Anna Pegoretti, Chronologie de Santa Maria Novella (1291-1319)

Delphine Carron, Influences et interactions entre Santa Maria Novella et la commune de Florence. Une étude de cas: les sermons de Remigio de’ Girolami (1295-1301)

Ruedi Imbach, Une métaphysique thomiste florentine. Notule sur le traité De modis rerum de Remigio de’ Girolami

Blaise Dufal, Nicholas Trevet : le théologien anglais qui parlait à l’oreille des Italiens

Anna Pegoretti, Lo “studium” e la biblioteca di Santa Maria Novella nel Duecento e nei primi anni del Trecento (con una postilla sul Boezio di Trevet)

Cecilia Iannella, Giordano da Pisa e il pubblico. Modelli e comportamenti

Maria Conte, Gli “Ammaestramenti degli Antichi”di Bartolomeo da San Concordio. Prime osservazioni in vista dell’edizione critica

Roberto Lambertini, L’usura tra Santa Croce e Santa Maria Novella: Pietro de Trabibus e Remigio de’ Girolami a confronto

Andrea Tabarroni, Disciplinamento sociale e teologia nei Quodlibeta di Pietro de Trabibus

Sonia Gentili, Poesia e filosofia a Firenze tra Santa Croce e Santa Maria Novella

Thomas Ricklin, L’ordre dominicain dans le ciel du soleil. Dante Alighieri et la « viva giustizia » du Paradiso

Francesco Bruni, Dante, Remigio de’ Girolami, il sistema angioino: teologia e politica