The 15th Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (ATWAP)
When and Where
Philosophy in Early Christian Texts (ATWAP 2024)
Visit the CSAMP and Classics websites for the most up-to-date information.
Programme (TBC)
Friday, March 8
10:00 Matyáš Havrda (Czech Academy of Sciences), Rethinking the Foundations: Clement of Alexandria on Faith as a Philosophical Choice
11:30 Andy Radde-Galwitz (Notre Dame), Origen and Substance
— lunch —
2:30 Stephen Menn (McGill / Berlin), Plotinus, Victorinus, Augustine
4:30 Sarah Byers (Boston College), Trinitarian metaphysics in the Confessions: Marius Victorinus and the Neoplatonic triad ‘being, life, mind’
Saturday, March 9
9:00 Hubertus Drobner (Paderborn), Gregory of Nyssa’s Philosophical Sources in his Treatise In Hexaemeron
10:30 George Karamanolis (Vienna), Method and Argument in Gregory of Nyssa, On soul and Resurrection
12:00 Aaron Johnson (Lee), Cyril of Alexandria’s Against Julian
— lunch —
3:30 Anna Marmodoro (Durham), Augustine on Creation
5:00 Gretchen Reydams-Schils (Notre Dame), Augustine’s De Ordine
— conference dinner —
Attendance is free: no registration required.