Level I Latin

This course is offered as part of the Summer Latin Program at the Centre for Medieval Studies. For other Summer Courses, see Beginning Latin and Level II Latin.

Level I Latin

May 19-June 27
90-minute sessions
Monday through Friday
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
*In person at Lillian Massey

Note: the University will be closed on Monday, May 19.

The TA will be available regularly for regular consultation. Readings encompass Latin texts of various periods, countries of origin, and disciplinary interest, with emphasis on close grammatical commentary and analysis, and with some opportunity for supervised translation of sight passages. (Selected texts might typically include the works of Geoffrey of Monmouth, the Gesta Romanorum, the Vulgate Bible, Apollonius of Tyre, and others of similar difficulty.) After dedicated study in this course, a student who has not passed, but scored 50% or more on the Level I Latin Examination is expected to have a good chance of passing the Level I Examination. The class presupposes a basic knowledge of the elements of Latin (declensions and conjugations, some vocabulary, and prior exposure to complex syntax) as laid out in an introductory course. This course serves to refresh students’ knowledge of grammar and/or gain additional experience of readings texts in preparation for Medieval Latin Exams.

Level I Latin Review

Review Session
May 6-16
Tuesday through Friday
10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Prior to the Level I Latin course, we will offer a two-week intensive grammar review open at no extra charge to those who register for the Level I Latin course. We strongly recommend you arrive early for this review if you’re concerned that your grasp of grammar is shaky, or if you receive a score of under 50% on the Level I Latin Examination. 

Enrolment Restriction

To register, a minimum mark of 30% on the Level I Latin Exam is required. A mark below that might indicate you’d be better off in the Beginning Latin course. A mark below 50% suggests you should arrive early for the intensive grammar review as described above. Please contact gradadm.medieval@utoronto.ca with any questions.

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Further Information