Deanna Brook's and Cameron Wachowich successfully defend their dissertations

September 13, 2024 by Centre for Medieval Studies

Congratulations to Deanna Brook's and to Cameron Wachowich who have both completed their Final Oral Examinations!

Deanna Brook's successfully defended her dissertation, "Wulfstan’s “Commonplace Book”: Manuscript Production, Translation, and Intellectual Culture in Eleventh-Century England". Thank you to Deanna's Co-Supervisors, Shami Ghosh and Renée Trilling, Committee Members, Cillian O'Hogan and Stephen Pelle, as well as Internal Examiner William Robins and External Appraiser, Christopher A. Jones (Ohio State).

Cameron Wachowich successfully defended his dissertation, "Orosius Insularis: Studies on the Transmission and Reception of Orosius’s Historiae adversus Paganos in Britain and Ireland to c. 1100." Thank you to Cameron's Co-Supervisors, Haruko Momma and Brent Miles, Committee Member Jarrett Welsh, Internal Examiner Cillian O'Hogan, and External Appraiser Paul Russell (Cambridge).


We wish the very best to both Dr. Brook's and Dr. Wachowich!